Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ecologic intelligence

Though I have an even better picture at the bottom, I added this one just to be safe.

Ways the world is already becoming better!

1. What is ecological intelligence? Ecological intelligence is when instead of looking at just the last phase of production for what products they used, looking at the whole thing along the way to see if it is truly good for the environment before you just consider it "green".
2. This connects to the essential question of why people do not live more sustainably. When going to buy a product, one will generally look for something "green" but in reality it can be just as bad or worse then something that is not green. When people shop they are not sure to trust what it says or not, because it is not always telling the truth.
3. I generally give a lot of thought when buying something even if it says that it is green. I try not to buy too much and keep it to a minimum. I do try to figure out where everything came from when I can, though that is not always possible. I do feel that is our responsibility to know what we are buying before we go out and buy it. Some companies should not be allowed to say that they are green, and should have more warnings on the packaging of where things come from.


William said...

Um what about your ipod touch thing? Isn't that ecologically unintelligent? Oh well....

Jessica said...

I liked how you used your own definition for ecological intelligence and how you pointed out how people cannot truley know if something is actually "green" or not, because it is true.