Friday, March 13, 2009

Interview results

1. What struck you about the data?
2. Were you surprised by any of the results? How so?
3. What were your expectations? Were these met or not?
4. Based on your findings, what type of ad campaign will you run? Will you being to educate people? Encourage or coerce people? Embarrass people? What is your angle?

1. I was surprised by how few people were vegetarians and how much they seemed to care. Many of the people we interviewed knew the bad side of meat, but preferred to eat meat. The polls were shifted in a different direction then I would of thought, and had a few different questions where the results for both sides were pretty even.
2. It seemed many people did not think that eating vegetarian would make much of a difference, or just did not know. I would have though more people would know about the meat vs. vegetables for sustainability with production and treating.
3. I was expecting more people to know, but there is nothing much I can do about that until we begin our ad campaign.
4. I think from our results we should either try to educate or scare people. If we scare people we could be talking about animal cruelty with some of the meat production, or just basic education because many people did not know anything about our subject.

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