Maiev Shadowsong
Maiev's job was a warden tasked with the job of keeping the traitor, Illidan Stormrage. in check. She did her job to the best of her ability. She was not commanded to watch over him, but she took it upon herself to look after him. Eventually however, Illidan escaped. She pursued Illidan to the ends of Azeroth and beyond to outland. She never gave up and devoted her life in an attempt to slay, or recapture the traitor known as Illidan. In the end she was unable to capture Illidan, and was forced to slay him with the help of Akama. She is a hero because of her dedication and effort in hunting and killing Illidan, even when she had to give up everything she had to defeat him in the end. Kael'thas, Lady vashj, among their followers would have seen Maiev as a villain and a pest. She would be at every turn attempting to thwart their plans and take their leader hostage. Even some of the night elves thought of her as a villain. She had failed to keep Illidan contained, and much havoc was wrecked, as many lives were ended and areas conqured due to her inability to keep him captured.
Wonderful! More WoW heroes! Did you see Anthony's post about Thrall? I'm glad you picked Maiev because I haven't had the chance to read up on her.
u picked Maiev and this is all u can write....pshhh joe shmoe :P
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