This shows what I know about epics so far and I feel this shows a hero and how he is larger then life and how what he is doing seems heroic. He just seems to be walking to continue the battle even though his allies are dying and continue what he was trying to do in the first place.
1. An epic is tale tale told to tell the actions of a heroic person or event, often making things seem larger than life, and show both the good and the bad side of the heroes.
- (The main character or protagonist is heroically larger then life, often the source and subject of legend or a national hero.) Line 8 talks about Achilles being godlike (larger then life)
- (Story begins in the middle of things.) The story starts at the 10th year of a 10 year war just before the final battle, instead of starting at the beginning of the war.
- (Frequent use of epithets) Line 8 God like Achilles, Line 91 Achilles the great runner, Line 98 Calchas the perfect prophet, Line 103 dancing-eyed girl.
That's an intense photo. Is it a Spartan?
I thought it was at first, but in the corner it says Illiad by marvel. /shrug google images ftw
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