Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ad campain planning

1. Present proposed motto

Eat lean go green.

2. Present proposed logo

3. Present theme/direction for campaign
a. (based on findings in your research)

Either trying to educate people or make them feel guilty.

4. Present ideas on how you will create the Video PSA and what you
will need to accomplish it.
a. Viral video?
b. Filmed with iPhones? Camera phones?

Filmed with a digital camera and showing part of the problem then showing solutions.

5. Find two modern advertisements that resemble or inspire your group
for your campaign and link them on your DP/blog as models.

This ad is using a bit of danger/threat to their ad which is pretty interesting and saying how eating meat can be deadly.

This one is pretty interesting, making it so the chicken is speaking itself telling you not to eat it and adding to the guilt idea.

List your group roles here for this portion of the project
(who will focus on what?)


-Joe-Video psa

-Lauren-Video psa


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