Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Semester goals

Patience is a virtue

When I started school back in august, I wasn't sure what to expect in my first year of high school. I have, without a doubt, grown outside my original group of friends. Many of my middle school friends went to another school and the ones I remember, I go between. I am not always with just one group of my friends. I have really gone outside my comfort zone and tried many new things. I feel I'm more likely to try something new then I was before.
One skill I think is important to survive in humanities is patience. If you try to take short cuts you really will not do as well on assignments or class work. You have to be patient so you make sure you get everything and take your time. If you try to just get an assignment done you really are not putting your full 100% effort into it and that can be drastic in humanities specifically.
One thing I need to improve in is in fact taking my time while reading. I tend to end up skipping over words while I am reading, which leads to less understanding because I miss a few words. I am really going to have to tell myself to read slower and make sure I read every word. If I have to I should re-read pages multiple times until I think understand the page pretty well. If I don't do this I will not get as much from the books I read.
The subject that I want to research the most is something more in the biology section. I find animals quite interesting and there is never a limit to what they can do. I've found them interesting for a long time and I would want to research them more.

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

Hi Joe,

I have that SAME problem in reading. I've skipped whole passages in books before because I found them uninteresting or wanted to get to the next "interesting" part. I've had to train myself to make sure I read all of the important parts (especially when the readings were for college, etc.)